6th May 2019 – New York

Even though it was something that he had wanted to do, now it was here Owen couldn’t help but feel nervous. He’d seen this kind of thing so many times on TV, but never really believed that was true life, and it was just for television. He knew the risks, but as far as he was concerned the risk was worth it if it put Finn behind bars forever

Joyce: So, are you clear with everything Owen?

Out of the two detectives, Joyce was the one who was unsure about the whole thing. There was little doubt he would have preferred to have found Finn by more ‘standard’ police methods, but the fact was Finn was proving himself to be pretty elusive. He also had issue with how easily Finn took the bait, but Owen had put that down to how desperately he wanted the money.

Owen: Yeah, it’s all pretty straight forward

Exposito: That’s the spirit kid…

He looks over to another part of the van, where a radio operator gives him the thumbs up

Exposito: OK, we can hear you loud and clear Owen. Let’s go over it one more time.

Owen sighs, he’d been over it about thirty times already, but understood why they were being careful.

Owen: Take the bag to the memorial, wait till Finn shows up, you guys snag him and we all live happily ever after?

Joyce: It’s not a joke Owen, you know what your Uncle is capable of so let’s keep our heads straight huh?

Owen nods, taking the admonishment on the chin. Exposito scrunches up her nose and shakes her head, mouthing ‘ignore him’ to Owen which brings a grin to his face.

Joyce: In all likelihood he won’t be there when you arrive, he’ll keep out of sight and make sure that you haven’t be followed. Only when he is sure that you haven’t will he make his move. We will have eyes on you, and other areas of the Memorial, but if he tries anything, or looks like he may be carrying a weapon, you give us the signal and we’ll be there ok? No risks.

Owen: Got it.

Joyce: We get this done, and then we all go home. Ready?

Owen: As I’ll ever be

Joyce: OK, we’ll be in your ear all the time, but stay on your toes kid

Owen: I will

Exposito opens the back door to the van, and Owen steps out into the fresh New York air, a few blocks away from the memorial. The door shuts behind him, and suddenly Owen feels apprehensive, till he hears a voice in his ear

Joyce: OK kid… you got this.

Owen takes a deep breath, and starts the walk towards the memorial, the hairs on the back of his neck starting to stand up.


Owen sits on the bench facing his Dad’s memorial, trying to peer through the night, hoping to see Finn before he appears. Every few minutes Joyce had been in his ear, confirming that they hadn’t seen anyone enter the Park, but although it assured Owen a little, it didn’t totally as Finn had always been one step ahead of them. It was cold, almost freezing in fact, the temperatures from earlier having really dropped, and Owen pulls up the collar on his jacket.

Joyce: Still nothing Owen… hold your nerve, he could be playing games here.

Owen wasn’t surprised by that statement at all, because that was exactly what it seemed like, a game that Finn was determined he was going to win. If it had just been about the money, Owen would have given it him months ago, as fortune held no real attraction to him. But over time it had become about principle. His Father had left him that money to build a life for himself and one day he would use it to buy a house, get married… who knows? What Owen was clear on was if he’d wanted Finn to be left anything, he would have. The money wasn’t Finn’s, and after tonight it never would be.

Joyce: Got someone approaching the park from the rear Owen… hooded top, and his face isn’t clear.

Of course Owen couldn’t talk back, to do so would give the game away if anyone was nearby listening, and so he just nods, knowing that a camera would be on him all the time.

Joyce: They have entered the Park Owen, this could be him…

Owen puffs out his cheeks, the temperature having dropped enough for them to see his breath.

Joyce: They are about twenty feet away Owen, approaching to your left.

Owen instinctively turns that way, peering through the night. Slowly a figure forms, and walks in Owen’s direction. Owen gets to his feet, expecting this figure to stop, but instead they just walk by, a woman looking at him through the hood, nodding an acknowledgment before continuing on her way. Owen sighs, and sits back down, his trepidation now replaced by disappointment.

Joyce: OK false alarm… we’ll give it ten more minutes kid and then call it a day. Any more than that and he’s not coming.

Owen had tried not to consider that Finn wouldn’t show, but it was looking more and more like that would be the case. He’d been screwing him almost ever since he came in his life, so way wouldn’t now be any different? He looks at the memorial just feet away, and at the smiling face of his Father.

Owen: Seems you were right Dad… he really is a prick

“Now that’s no way to talk is it…?”

The voice was muffled, but Owen could make out the Australian accent that Finn had acquired during his time inside.

Joyce: Where the hell did he come from… about six feet behind you Owen

“Don’t turn around… you’ve brought the cash?”

Owen reaches down to his feet, and places it on the bench by his side.

Owen: You’re supposed to be family, why are you doing this?

He sees a hand grasp the handle of the bag, and fights the need to grab it and pull it back, even though he knew there was nothing but paper inside.

“Don’t do anything stupid…”

The area seems to explode with noise as officers appear just as quickly as Finn had, two of them tackling him to the ground before he even knows it has happened. Torches shine through the darkness, lighting up the area and finally Owen turns to face what has happened, and the man pinned down on the floor. One of the police officers removes the hood, and as he does Owen’s eyes widen, the man grinning back at him as Joyce and Exposito arrive on the scene.

Joyce: Well done kid… it’s over

Exposito: Told you it would work Joyce, you have too little faith.

Joyce looks at Owen, who’s still staring at the guy as he is pulled up to his feet, Joyce now seeing the reason why, Exposito then following.

Owen: It’s not him… that’s not Finn.


Owen sits in the back of the van, his feet on the floor. He couldn’t help but wonder if this had been Finn’s intention all along, to just waste his, and the polices time, and just show yet again that he was playing them all. Joyce walks over, shaking his head at Owen.

Joyce: The guys saying nothing, but it’s my bet he’s just another hired help.

Owen shrugs

Owen: Should’ve known really, too good to be true. He was never going to fall for something like that.

Joyce: We’ll get him Owen, he will make a mistake

Owen: Yeah, you said that before. Maybe I should just pay him and have done with it? Now, I’ve just made everything so much worse.

Detective Joyce doesn’t know what to say to make the young man better, and even more so, he didn’t have the first clue how they were going to catch Finn. He is about to say something, anything, when a buzzing distracts him, Owen reaching into his jacket pocket, his eyes widening as he looks at the display

Owen: It’s him…

Joyce: We still got a trace on this phone?

One of the operators nods, flicking a few switches

Joyce: OK, answer it… nice and slow we need time.

Owen presses receive, but doesn’t speak

“You think I’m really that stupid Owen, to fall for a trick like that. Shame on you.”

The voice was obviously Finns, and his tone was full with disdain.

“You’re little police friends telling you how it’s all going to be ok, and they will catch me eventually… right Detective Joyce?”

Joyce doesn’t answer, but advises Owen to keep talking

Owen: They will Finn… eventually they will.

“They might Nephew, they might not. But I assure you, I will have ruined your life before that happens. The money… it’s irrelevant to me now.”

Owen: What do you mean?

“Your Dad had the chance to make it right, and so did you. Now, I only want to ruin your life, the way that you both ruined mine. We’ll speak again soon Owen… keep those you love REAL close.”

The line goes dead, and immediately Joyce turns back to the operator who shakes his head, the call not long enough to get an accurate trace

Operator: He’s in New York… that’s all I got.

Joyce: I’m so sorry Owen

Owen puffs out his cheeks.

Owen: One step ahead, every single time. And now it’s too late

Owen shakes his head, Joyce once again speechless, knowing that nothing he could possibly say would make things better. All Owen could do was focus on that final line ‘keep those you love REAL close’, and all he wanted to do now was get back to New Orleans and do precisely that, whilst knowing that he couldn’t and instead he had to be in Detroit to face Chris Cannon.

7th May 2019 – New York

It had been a rough night for Owen, and he felt like he hadn’t had even a single minute’s sleep. By the time he’d got into bed it was way too late for him to get in touch with most people, and warn them what was going on. And now it was still too early, most people wouldn’t be up yet, but he does send a message to both Taylor and Kloe, asking them to ring him the moment they get the text.

Shaun he had however managed to speak to, and thankfully he was already home with Angyalka and Dorothea. Shaun wasn’t as shocked as he might have been, but promised to get Chris Clay looking for Finn pretty much straight away

He also feels the need to post on Twitter, his mind so screwed from what had happened before. As he types it, he ends it with the feeling he had felt quite a lot of late. He wished that his Dad was still here…

Owen then leans back and stares up at the ceiling, and then out through the window the sun starting to rise. His phone then pings, and a notification comes up from Jaina, asking him to FaceTime. At first it seems like a bad idea, I mean how Owen was going to approach the subject, having not told her everything that had been going on. Of course, it would be far worse when Taylor found out, but he’d deal with that then. Jaina was different, she couldn’t look after herself as well as Taylor could. In fact it wouldn’t surprise Owen if Taylor went looking for Finn herself. Predictably, his phone then starts to ring, Jaina obviously impatient. Owen presses the receive button, and Jaina appears on the screen and Owen couldn’t lie, just seeing her face made him feel that little bit better

Owen: Hey you.

Jaina: Hey babe, you ok?

She obviously wasn’t messing around

Owen: Shouldn’t you be getting ready for school?

Jaina: Yes I should, but reading that last tweet, it sounds like something is wrong

Owen looks away off screen, scratching the back of his ear

Jaina: Well that confirms it, what’s happened?

Owen: I screwed up Jay… I REALLY screwed up.

Jaina: Is this about your video… because if you ask me, you were only speaking the truth

Owen: No, it’s nothing to do with that. It’s Finn… I thought I could help catch him, but I think I’ve just made the situation a whole lot worse

From there, the floodgates open, and he tells the whole story. Starting with the police knowing it was Finn who had tampered with the brakes and of Finn’s threats, and how he wanted the whole three million now, and how he’d stop at nothing to get it. He doesn’t leave out any of the details, and explains the plan, how they were going to trick Finn, but he never turned up. Throughout the whole thing, Jaina just listens, and doesn’t say a word, waiting for Owen to finish with the phone call, and Finn’s threats to those he loves. And when Owen finishes, she still doesn’t say anything at first, obviously digesting it all. It is Owen who speaks, breaking the ever more awkward silence.

Owen: Jay, say something please?

He perhaps expected her to be scared, for herself, and for her family and she would be perfectly justified. However she says nothing of the sort and is very matter of fact.

Jaina: And you’ve been dealing with this… alone?

She doesn’t say it with any anger, only concern and sympathy.

Owen: I didn’t want anyone to worry Jay… it was my problem

Jaina: No it wasn’t Owen… it was our problem.

Deep down, Jaina was annoyed that Owen hadn’t shared this with her, or with Taylor, Kloe, or even Shaun. In the ring, people said regularly that Owen fought like someone way beyond his years, but in real life away from the ring he was still a nineteen year old finding his place in the world. She believed he should have asked for help, but understood why Owen felt he couldn’t. But now she knew, she wasn’t going to let him know she was annoyed he didn’t feel he could confide in her.

Jaina: So what did the police say?

Owen: If I see anything suspicious, if anyone does, then to contact them immediately. That’s all well and good Jay, but he may not even be in New York anymore. He could follow me to Detroit and I wouldn’t even know. I just want to come home, and be with you until he’s caught.

Jaina: So do that… I’m sure they would understand.

Owen: Maybe… but then the bastard wins.

Jaina: Language Mister… but it’s not about winning or losing is it?

It wasn’t, but it also wasn’t about letting all those people down who expected him to now step into the ring with Chris Cannon and attempt to back up his words. If he had annoyed Kelcey, then it couldn’t be for naught, and end with him walking away.

Owen: I’m sorry Jay, I just can’t. Kelcey…

Jaina: This isn’t about Kelcey, this is about you. What I know about Kelcey is that she doesn’t want people to feel sorry for her, or fight her battles. If you staying safe means this match being cancelled, then that is what needs to happen. He’s wanted for murder Owen…

Owen: I KNOW JAY!!!

Jaina pauses, the outburst having surprised her. Owen closes his eyes, taking a moment, before then opening them again

Owen: I’m sorry…

Jaina: That’s OK, I get it. This is why you should let people help you Owen, you shouldn’t have had to deal with this.

Owen: I know…

Jaina could feel the shutters coming up again, Owen attempting to block out his troubles. But she wasn’t going to let them, not this time.

Jaina: OK, so you don’t want to let people down, I don’t like it, but I understand. Do this round of shows, and then come home to New Orleans, and ask for some time off. School ends soon, so we shall take some time away from all of this and hopefully by then they will have caught him. But you’ve got to make me a promise?

Owen: What’s that?

Jaina: You warn everyone that you can think of what’s going on, and if they can help you in anyway, you let them. And I’ll talk with Mom and Dad… I don’t think he dare mess with them.

The comment brings at least a smile to Owen’s face, even though he wasn’t sure she was right. Right now Finn was a loose cannon capable of anything.

Owen: OK, I promise, but I need you to promise me something as well?

Jaina: Of course

Owen: You stay close to your Mom and Dad until I can get there Monday. I’ll feel a little bit better knowing that’s the case

Jaina: I will… I’ll even have Mom stood outside the door when I go to pee.

Owen laughs, and it felt good… and long overdue.

Jaina: Just be safe Owen OK… I love you.

Owen: I love you too… now go to school

Jaina kisses the screen, and then ends the call, Owen putting the mobile next to him on the bed. He felt guilty for shouting at her, the outburst surprising even him, but it had given him a better understanding of how much this situation was winding him up. Add to that people already lining up to have a go at him about his promo, trying to imply that he didn’t understand and making up their own truth, it was starting to be too much. His phone pings again, and he lifts it, a text message sat there waiting for him. He rolls his eyes at the message from Taylor.


She obviously knew

Owen: Thanks a lot Shaun

He dials the number, and waits a moment till Taylor answers

“Hey Mom…”

7th May 2019 – Diary Entry

There was no doubts, when Joyce had expressed his concerns about the plan, I should have listened to him and walked away.

Not doing so and believing Finn would fall for it had been stupid, and it was my stupidity that could have put many people in danger.

I like to pretend I don’t scare easily, but the fact was I was really scared for those people who were circling around me, trying to protect me. Because I wasn’t sure they could.

Mom was talking to Grandad about injunctions or something, but I’m not sure Finn cares about that.

It feels like something is about to happen, I can just feel it. And I don’t like it.

8th May 2019 – Post Breakdown

Owen had a million and one things going through his head right now, none more so that the bullet he had just evaded. Chris had him beat, and there was little doubt as to what was going to happen next, but thankfully Aaron had gotten involved. Many would have felt aggrieved that he had, but not Owen… Aaron had showed that he was a true friend by stepping into the line of fire of a man who seemed to have fallen off his moral radar, and now only wanted to hurt the one’s he loved. It’s no surprise to Owen when Aaron walks into the dressing room, a look of concern on his face.

Aaron: You ok bro… I mean, if you want me to leave

Owen holds up his hand and shakes his head.

Owen: Nah Man, we’re good. I get it… and thank you.

Aaron had obviously had the same thoughts, that costing Owen the match would anger his friend. He’d not needed to worry, as the victory was the last thing on Owen’s mind.

Aaron: I honestly can’t believe Chris these days… all for a piece of skirt

Owen shrugs, he’d made his feelings quite clear in his promo what he thought of Chris’ decisions, and he didn’t want to go through it again with Aaron.

Owen: I reckon we have to get used to the fact Chris will do whatever Chris want’s… he’ll see what a douche he’s being eventually, they always do.

Aaron: Bit like Blake you mean?

Owen: Yeah, exactly like Blake. He’s been a dick to three generations of Cruze and yet here we are, he could be about to marry my Mom, go figure.

Aaron laughs, Owen laughing too.

Owen: You do realize though, you’ve made yourself a target now… for Chris I mean?

Aaron: I don’t care Owen, I couldn’t just sit back here and allow it to happen, I had to do something.

Owen: And I’m glad you did… just watch your back bro, because he will be coming.

Aaron: Let him, I’ll be ready.

Owen grins, Aaron would be ready… and if Chris did take exception, Owen would make sure he was on hand to return the favor if required. He knew that true friends in this business were hard to find and with AJ on the shelf indefinitely a good friend like Aaron was good to have… as today had proven.

Aaron: Still with me bro?

Owen shakes from his trance, Aaron realizing that he was deep in thought

Owen: Yeah sorry, just wondering what’s next you know?

Aaron: Next? Here you mean?

Owen: Yeah, I mean it’s not like I’ve pulled up any trees in my last few matches

Aaron: Seriously?

Owen: Two high profile defeats bud… I’d say that’s accurate.

Aaron shakes his head disapprovingly.

Aaron: Dude, you gotta drop this. You fought for the world title on merit alone, no one gave you that shot, and you’d earned it. Being beaten by her doesn’t change that. So you said a few things Sienna and Chris didn’t like? Screw them, people don’t like the truth when it’s handed to them on a plate. You said what you had to say, and then you owned your words… and that’s all anyone can ask. Chris and Sienna twisting that doesn’t change a thing.

Owen: You’re right… it doesn’t. Thanks.

Aaron: Hey, it’s only what you would tell me bud… now let’s get out of here huh and find some fun, I reckon you need it.

Owen nods, fist bumping Aaron and heading with him to the door. That was precisely what he needed, to take his mind off of everything and get back to being what he was, a teenager still looking to make his way in a life that seemed determined to make him travel the same paths as those before him. And yet here he was, doing exactly that… without even realizing that his evolution had officially begun.

8th May 2019 – Diary Entry

If anyone had any doubt what kind of man Chris Cannon was now, you only had to refer to the end of our match and what he was trying to do.

In his promo, all he had done was say EXACTLY the opposite to me, without giving a single thought to the respect I’d actually shown him by NOT saying things that were much worse.

He’d discounted me. He’d gone down the well-trodden road of me being a kid. He’d been a total asshole. And to end it all, he was looking to break me and end my career, and probably would have if it hadn’t have been for Aaron.

But I don’t care… not a jot. All he had done was proven that even in my apparent whiney voice, I had been one hundred percent correct about him. Deflecting things to things that I simply hadn’t said hadn’t worked.

Oh, and look… a Cannon has once again threatened to take out a Cruze, and once again the Cruze remained standing no matter what the Cannon tried.

All this… and I still knew that one day, Chris would come groveling back with the apology he should have given weeks ago, begging for people to forgive him. He was more like Blake than he would ever care to admit.

13th May 2019 – New Orleans

The Uber pulls up outside the house, and Owen steps outside, retrieving his back from the back. Yesterday he had spent time with Taylor, having already had Mother’s Day with Kloe a few days before, and enjoying the day with Sebastian had at least enabled him to focus on something other than his troubles. As he thanks the driver, and then makes his way towards the house, his phone rings, Owen putting his bag to the floor and smiling as he sees the caller.

Owen: Hey Jay, what’s up?

He smirks, as Jay replies.

Owen: Yeah, just walking up to the house now.

He picks his bag up and throws it over his shoulder, putting his key in the door.

Owen: OK, give me half hour to get sorted then come round… Love you too babe, can’t wait to see you.

He hangs up the phone, and then pushes the door open, throwing his bag in the hallway and closing the door behind him, locking it. He then steps into the house, and immediately heads to the bathroom, a shower his first port of call after a long journey.


Owen pulls on a tee-shirt, and then a pair of shorts, before looking at himself in the mirror. His eyes hung heavy, and he really couldn’t wait to get a good night’s sleep tonight. Some hotel rooms were fine, but there was nothing like sleeping in your own bed, and this was his own bed, not Simons, and was his only really extravagant purchase since he started wrestling. Although he had more money than most people his age, and when he had turned eighteen, he instantly became a millionaire, that money had just sat in his account, building interest on top until the day he decided what to do with it. Picking up his mobile phone, he heads towards the living room to get Netflix ready for when Jaina arrived. He walks into the living room, and picks up the control, pointing it at the television.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite Nephew.”

He freezes as he hears the voice from behind him, instantly recognizing it.

“Turn around Owen… why don’t you take a seat mate?”

Owen turns, and his eyes meet Finn’s as he leans forwards, having been sat in the shadows on a chair. If his eyes don’t look menacing enough, the shotgun on his lap makes it clear that taking said seat was Owen’s only option, and he does as he is told, sitting in a lounge chair. Finn stands, the shotgun held by his side as he drags the chair across to in front of Owen, and retakes his seat, the shotgun now held in his hands, pointing directly at his Nephew.

Finn: You know something mate, I was getting really irritated by the wait. But you know now you’re sat here in front of me, shaking like a shitting dog… it was so worth it.

Owen doesn’t say a word, fear having taken over. He was visibly shaking, and he knew he was, and he’d never been as scared as he was right now.

Finn: Nothing to say to your Uncle Owen?

He brandishes the shotgun even more menacingly, making it clear that he wanted a response.

Owen: I don’t know what to say

Finn: How’s about sorry… that would be a start

Owen: Sorry?

Finn: Well, my pathetic brother can’t say it, and you are all about taking up his mantle right?

Owen shrugs

Finn: Oh… I get it, you mean why do you have to say sorry right? You don’t understand what you’ve done to me, I forget you’re still a kid.

Owen: I’m sorry, I tried to trick you.

Finn: You think I’m bothered about that? You’re Orlando’s son, I expected a bitch move, that’s why I didn’t show. No, I want you to say sorry for not having the common decency and just giving me the money I was owed. It was simple Owen, all I wanted for a small token, to pay me back for all those years I was inside thanks to my Father and yours. All I wanted to do was start my life again with money that was my right.

Owen: I’m sorry…

And in that moment, he was. Truly sorry. But it wasn’t enough to convince Finn who just laughs

Finn: Nice try Owen, but you are going to do a LOT better than that.

He shifts the shotgun to the other side of his lap, now not pointing directly at Owen, but still not giving Owen the chance to spring forwards, even if he had the guts to do so. Owen felt stuck to the chair, unable to move anyways.

Owen: I don’t know what you want from me

Finn laughs again, glancing at Owen’s phone which was on the table

Finn: Pass me your phone Owen

Owen leans forwards, and gives the phone to Finn, who places it on the floor.

Finn: You won’t be needing this…

He brings the butt of the shotgun down on the mobile several time, smashing it beyond repair, before looking back up at Owen

Finn: Now, what was the question again? Ah yes, I remember… what do I want with you?

Both of them hear the knock at the door, Owen’s eyes widening, remembering that Jaina was on her way around. Earlier, Owen had admitted to himself he’d never been so scared, that was nothing when compared to now. That last line, ‘Keep those you love close’ enters his head, Finn standing, and motioning with the shotgun.

Finn: Get up and turn around.

Owen does as he is told, and Finn presses the shotgun into this back

Finn: Get rid of her Owen… or else.

Owen walks towards the door, the shotgun still pressed into his back so much it hurts.

Jaina: Owen, it’s me… you ok?

Finn whispers

Finn: Answer… no games.

Owen: Yeah Jay, I’m fine… just got a massive headache. Can I see you in the morning?

Jaina: Err… you sure, I don’t mind looking after you?

Owen: I just want to go to bed Jay…sorry.

Jaina: Oh…ok. Get better babe, love you.

Owen waits a few moments, her footsteps heading away from the house until there is silence

Finn: Good boy…

Another nudge in the side turns him around, and Finn leads him back, this time sitting Owen in the wooden chair, Finn taking the lounger.

Finn: Good thing you don’t have the ‘heroic’ gene like the rest of the family. I’d have hated to bring Jaina into this.

Waiting for a moment, Owen sees the sneer on his face

Finn: So, what do I want from you? Quite simply, I want to see you suffer. See, I know there’s no way out for me, eventually those dumb ass coppers will get lucky and find me, and I know this. But before they do, I want you to feel just a portion of what the last twenty years have been like.

Owen: Why do you hate me so much Finn, what did I ever do to you?

A single tear falls from his eye and down his cheek, Finn seeing this and smirking, enjoying the fact he was breaking down his Nephew piece by piece. First compliance, then misery, next would come defiance and then finally an acceptance of his fate. Finn had seen this a million times before inside, but never had it felt as good as this. Owen might not have understood why this was happening to him, but all Finn saw was Orlando’s face, the memory of his brother walking away from the room when he visited him for the one and only time. Orlando was what this was all about, and the reason it was playing out the way it was. Finn’s only wish that it really was his brother he had held at gunpoint right now, and not just his whiny son.

Finn: I don’t hate you Owen, in fact I feel sorry for you. Growing up and having a Father like yours, it can’t have been easy.

Owen: Dad was an Icon…

Finn grins, there was the defiance.

Finn: Oh, I’m not talking about the picture he painted for his ‘fans’. I’m talking about the man who failed me as a brother, and left me to rot. It explains why you tried to trick me at least…

Owen: I tried to trick you because you tried to con me out MY money. I wanted you behind bars because you ripped my Mom’s happiness away from her.

Finn: There it is… that’s better Owen, the old Cruze spirit. At least now you’re showing a little bit of fight.

Finn sighs, tilting his head to the side

Finn: She doesn’t deserve happiness Owen, why can’t you see that? She’s fooled you, just the same as everyone. She’s the biggest fucking bitch of them all and you don’t even realize it.

Owen springs up, but Finn is ready for him and hits Owen on the side of the forehead with the butt of the shotgun, Owen falling back into the chair his head busted open, the shot having left Owen dazed.

Finn: Really Owen… THAT was your moment? Pathetic.

Owen lowers his head, seeing the blood drip onto his tee-shirt, pain surging through his head. Owen closes his eyes, Finn lifting his head by pushing his head up with the shotgun, forcing Owen to look at him.

Finn: And right there Owen that look… that’s acceptance of your fate. Now, in this moment, you feel just a small part of what I have felt for the last TWENTY years. You realize that you no longer control what happens next.

Owen: I hope it makes you happy…

Tears start to flow even more freely now, Finn right, Owen having accepted the only possible outcome.

Finn: Seeing my brother’s little project broken, and so easily… you’re damn right I’m happy. It’s over Owen… it’s time to end this.

Owen just stares at him, and all he can think about is Kloe and Ruby, and the devastating effect this was going to have one them. Then to Taylor, who had worked so hard to rebuild her relationship with Owen, to rebuild her life after his dead had died. And his brother Sebastian, who would grow up never really knowing who Owen was. Shaun, Aaron, Kelcey, AJ… they all take their place, all would grieve, and all would shed tears for a life wasted at the hands of a psychopath. And then Jaina… beautiful, beautiful Jaina, the girl of his dreams. He didn’t want him to suffer, he wanted to hurt those that loved Owen.

Finn: It didn’t have to be this way Owen…

He lifts the shotgun so it is pointing directly at Owen’s chest.

Finn: All you had to do was give me what was rightfully mine…

Owen’s stomach churns as his mind races, all he wants to do is fight, but his body won’t allow him, as he is frozen by fear. A huge bang rocks the front door, shouting coming from outside


Finn’s confidence doesn’t falter, the smile doesn’t disapeer.


Finn keeps the gun pointed straight at Owen, Owen realizing that the moment that door burst open, it would be all over for him. Jaina had probably known something was wrong and told Amy, and Amy had probably informed the police. But none of that really mattered now, the police wouldn’t get to him before Finn fired and Finn knew that.


Ten seconds would be too late, any hope that Owen had was long gone. Finn’s smug grin seemed stuck on his face, unmovable, and uncaring.

Finn: Ready?

Owen gulps, but his mouth and throat are dry

Finn: You know the best thing about this? The absolute kicker?

Finn lifts the shotgun so it isn’t facing Owen’s chest now, and is actually directly at his face

Owen: What?

Owen closes his eyes, knowing that the next noise he heard would be his last

Finn: I’ll never go back inside… your life will be ruined, just like I promised. And you will never, EVER know the truth.

Owen’s eyes spring open, what truth was Finn talking about? His gaze then meets Finn’s, his Uncle grinning from ear to ear.

Then without any warning he swings the shotgun around, placing it under his chin he fires, and as Owen springs forwards, the explosion from the shotgun deafens Owen as he recoils. The shotgun then falls on the floor and Finn’s body drops backwards into the lounger, Owen now seeing the results of the shot first hand, most of Finn’s jaw missing from the blast, blood having found itself over the room, including Owen’s face.

Another loud noise to his left only slightly distracts him from that image, as the police burst into the house, crashing through the front door having heard the gun shot and then into the living area. The lead officer then lowers his weapon, seeing the carnage in front of him, Owen dropping to his knees.

Officer: Jesus fucking Christ… someone get me an ambulance out here. NOW!!

He holsters his weapon, and moves over to Owen carefully, placing a hand on his shoulder, startling him before helping him to his feet.

Officer: Easy… we got this son, nice and easy.

Owen nods, as the officer turns him around, leading him towards the front door, Owen looking over his shoulder at his Uncle slumped in the chair.

Officer: Come on kid, let’s get you out of here.

The officer then leads him out the front door, and the first face he sees is Amy’s the floodgates bursting, tears now flowing from his eyes effortlessly as she throws her arms around him. Amy turns to the officer as she holds him.

Amy: What happened?

Officer: We don’t know for sure… but Finn’s dead that’s for certain. Take care of him, someone will be over in a moment.

Amy nods and Owen doesn’t let go, and holds her tight, sobbing uncontrollably. What Amy didn’t understand in this moment was what had actually happened, and the horror that had unfolded in front of his eyes. Right now, more than any other, she saw the ‘kid’ that he still was. If she had known what happened, she would be well aware of what it would take to eventually piece him back together and the long road that he, AND anyone close to him had ahead.

As for Finn, he in those final moments had realized that he couldn’t go back inside again and spend a life behind bars and that his death, in this horrific way, would haunt Owen for the rest of his days. Finn had taken peace as he placed his finger on the trigger… knowing that by doing this, in the defining act, he’d finally gotten his revenge on his backstabbing brother which was all he ever really wanted…

…by destroying his precious son.

31st May 2019 – Montreal

That morning, Jaina had joined Owen in Montreal, a huge surprise organized by Amy to try and lift his spirits. It was true that everyone who loved Owen were concerned that he was taking on too much, too soon, and that he wasn’t ready to be alone on this trip. And to some extent it had worked, Owen had felt a little better throughout the morning, as they explored Montreal together, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. They had seen Mont Royal, and the Notre Dame Basilica, loving every minute together. They had taken many pictures, and made a lot of memories that they could treasure. But they were memories Owen wanted to keep close, memories he would look back at later with a smile and never forget. But even with these fresh in his mind, there was one memory that remained at the forefront. His Uncles mangled face, and the blood… so much blood. He’d never forget that either.

Jaina had seen Owen’s first promo, and hadn’t recognized the person she was watching. He’d been downhearted, miserable, and if you didn’t know him you would believe that the passion just wasn’t there anymore. He tried to cover that up and do his job, and what was expected from him, and there was probably many who didn’t notice. But Jaina knew he was struggling, and wanted to do anything she could to help piece the guy that she loved back together. To stand by him like he always had her.

Jaina: I’ve had an amazing moring… thank you.

Owen: No, thank you. It’s really helped me you being around. I really appreciate it.

Jaina: Nowhere else I was ever going to be babe.

Owen: I know… I also know that I’ve been a pain to be around lately.

Jaina: People want to help you Owen, people who really do care. It will take time, but you’ll get there… and I’ll always be here. Promise.

She leans forwards and kisses him on the cheek, before picking up Owen’s camera

Jaina: You sure you want to do this… people will understand if you don’t.

Owen sighs and nods his head

Owen: I can’t let them down again Jay, not after what I said last time. I have to get on with things and do the best I can. And if I wait till tomorrow like I was going to… I honestly don’t think I’ll do it.

Jaina nods, understanding what he was going through

Jaina: Fair enough babe… if you’re truly sure?

Owen: Yeah…

Jaina knew he wasn’t but lifts the camera and points it directly at Owen who sits down on the edge of the bed. She then presses record. Owen taking a deep breath


“In our industry there are certain events that get people talking months before they come around. Last Stand, Rumble Bash, Invictus, Olympus, Paranoia… all names that just by their mention will no doubt invoke memories in wrestling fans all around the world. Of course, there are two events that I missed off, events that Supreme Championship Wrestling’s fans, and wrestling fans all over the world look forward to every year. That being Rise to Greatness, arguably the pinnacle of them all, the standard bearer… and of course Taking Hold of the Flame, the biggest Battle Royal on the planet.”

Jaina walks over to the edge of the bed and sits down, Owen leaning forwards and clasping his hands in front of him, turning his head.

“And matches like these, Battle Royals with so many pitfalls, moving parts and possibilities, the statisticians love them. They rub their hands in glee at all the numbers and figures that they can fire off to prove their intelligence. They will wax lyrical about how many of these kinds of matches a person has competed in, how many people they have eliminated, and a personal favorite of mine, how long a person lasted and who lasted longest.”

He actually finds the slightest hint of a grin

“And wrestling fans love it, seeing if records can be broken, or history made.”

Owen brings his leg up so his body once again faces the camera.

“Thing is though, although these statistics are fun to hear or read, and yeah I’m extremely proud that I lasted longer than any male competitor last year, even with the handicap of entering at number one. But brass tacks, there is only one statistic that matters in the grand scheme of things, and that’s who won and claimed the Flame.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, there will be those out there that know all there is about every single Taking Hold of the Flame that has taken place, but truthfully, without using a search engine, could anyone tell me right now who came second in 2004, the very first event when CHBK outlasted everyone. And what about the following year when The Real Speed tasted victory. Does anyone know who lasted longest in 2011 when Shawn Winters was the last person standing?”

He pauses, as if allowing people to answer

“Can anyone tell me who eliminated the most people from the Battle Royal in 2014 when Kelcey Wallace became the first woman to claim her main event slot at Rise to Greatness? Even just twelve months ago, when Giovanni Aries put on the performance of his life to win the prize, without using the internet can anyone remember who claimed the most eliminations?”

He shrugs his shoulders, sticking out his bottom lip

“Yeah, some folks will know the responses off by heart, congratulations and all that but seriously, you should probably get out more. Most however won’t know the answers, and in all honestly they probably don’t even care. This is one of the hardest matches in the world to win, and that’s why no one has ever managed to win it twice.

But to be fair, those winners they are the lucky ones, because even some of the biggest names in the world have failed where they have succeeded. I mean for every Damien Angel who won in 2007, or Greg Cherry in 2010 you have Syren, arguably one of the greatest SCW superstars of all time that has never won one. James Exeter won in 2009, and yet Kennedy Street has never overcome every single entrant. James Evans tasted victory in 2016 and Ace Marshall did in 2017 and yet David Helms, Jake Starr and Amy Chastaine… all of them Supreme Champions, NEVER won this most elite of competitions. But it’s no surprise when it’s almost impossible to claim even one victory. And even if you do, it obviously comes at a cost.

But it’s a cost that people are more than willing to pay. Every year there are people that wanted to enter, but are put on a standby list because nearly everyone wants to be a part of it. The event never loses its momentum, in fact the field seems to get more and more competitive year on year. It’s become that big a deal. People know that the winner of the Battle Royal not only gets a shot at the World Championship at Rise to Greatness, they also, whatever their incentive might be, take several steps closer to whatever it is they want. Fame, fortune, power… it can all be had by winning Taking Hold of the Flame. It can give you whatever it is you desire.”

It wouldn’t however bring his Uncle back, or erase that night from existence. And it is that which finds its way into his head, causing him to pause and hold up his hand. Jaina presses pause on the camera, and places it on the bed, sliding over closer and putting her arm around him.


Jaina: You want to stop?

Owen: No, just give me a minute.

Jaina: We can finish it off later?

Owen: Just… give me a few seconds. I can do this.

Although Owen doesn’t see it, she nods her head, but she doesn’t know what else to do. Owen leans forwards, and brings both hands up to his face, first covering, and then rubbing his eyes. It would be easy for her to edit the video before they sent it in, she wasn’t worried about that at all. But seeing Owen like this that concerned her… to see him so broken. After a couple of minutes that seems like an eternity to Jaina, he takes a deep breath, and then turns back to the camera, his eyes slightly reddened. He nods, Jaina picking up the camera again.


Owen picks off where he paused, his composure at least partially returned

“And my desire? That’s simple. It’s all about the honour and the privilege of having my name added to a list that includes all the people I’ve already mentioned, as well as Adam Riddick, Matt Hodges, Jason Zero, Shilo Valiant and Ravyn Taylor. To make sure that when people talk about these amazingly talented superstars who never won Taking Hold of the Flame, for whatever reason, I’m not someone that they need mention. Fame? Fortune? Power..?”

He shrugs

“Honestly not bothered… I’ll leave the posturing to those who are much better at it than I am and concentrate on doing what I do. But there are two people I purposely failed to mention earlier. These two people had SEVEN world title reigns between them, and EIGHTEEN other titles over the course of their career and are both highly regarded in the industry. Two people that didn’t win Last Stand, Rumble Bash, or indeed Taking Hold of the Flame. I’m of course talking about my Dad, and my Uncle, who both came close, but could never get over the finish line.

For me personally, I want this to be a moment when finally, I don’t follow the same path as either of them. I don’t want this to be like Shaun or lost his first title opportunity to Shawn Winters like I did Sienna, by getting ahead of himself, just like I did. Or be like Dad who followed up a 4th place finish in his first Rumble Bash when no one knew who he was, by being the 3rd person eliminated the following year. An elimination that caused a ripple effect he took nearly six months to recover from.

I want to go out there, not just as an apology and a thank you for those who stuck by me. Those people that didn’t feel the need to comment, or get salty, when they didn’t know what had really happened. And I also want to show the world that when Shaun said I could surpass both his and Dad’s achievements he was right, by doing the one thing that neither of them could. And honestly, you can talk about fame and fortune till you are blue in the face, I don’t care. It might seem pretty childish to some, but heck if people think I’m a kid I may as well act like one right? Because believe me, walking up to Shaun as Taking Hold of the Flame winner 2019, with a few ‘nanananana’s’ to boot… it’s worth more than any amount of money…”

From behind the camera Jaina laughs, the corner of Owen’s mouth ‘almost’ forming into a smile

“I love this kind of match. I’m suited to its pace and speed, and I showed that by winning the EOY Battle Royal last year. If you analyze people that have won, you’ll see that there are two common themes that stick out like a sore thumb. Going into the event, that person either wasn’t expected to win, or they overcame HUGE obstacles to get there. Sound familiar? And unlike most I actually care about this business, and not what I can get from it. Materialistic possessions might drive some but not me. And materialistic possessions won’t ever define a person, but having the heart of a lion can eventually bring forth an Icon. And perhaps an Icon can be born in Montreal… an Icon that first and foremost, just wants to put on a show.”

He shrugs his shoulders, no one knew what was going to happen, but at least Owen wasn’t claiming such like many before him. There were never any guarantees even more so in a match like this.

“You know, I thought this year might be different, after the ownership situation. I thought people might be more grateful for their lot, but I’ve listened intently to what people have had to say, and I’m left with this feeling that we’ve heard it all a millions times before. For example, what’s the deal with lighters this year… do we have a company full of pyromaniacs? I mean, it can’t be something as lame as reference to the flame… can it? Nobody but the most clichéd would attempt such a thing. I’d expect it from some but not from a Goddess surely?

I mean think about it, how many times have we heard that there will be ‘no more Mr Nice Guy’, or heard thirty minute rants about how every other competitor bar themselves is lacking in talent, when in fact this is the most talented roster in the world, with perhaps the greatest world champion on the planet. How many people in this company can there be that honestly feel that they are ‘entitled’ to win one of the toughest matches around, when ‘entitlement’ is an often bandied around word that is rarely warranted. And even so, no one has a ‘right’ to the flame, no one. It’s a major accomplishment that should be hard earned and difficult to achieve, not an inevitability. After all, the whole world bar a few knows that you can’t really achieve your goals by banging on about some ridiculous criminal entity led by reptiles, and a shiny new belt you claim you don’t care about doesn’t change that. And no one WILL ever manage to rid the SCW of its impurities, it simply doesn’t work that way, there will always be those kinds of people in this company and it’s embarrassing that it takes a nineteen year old to clarify that to a grown man who should, but doesn’t know better. And of course why should someone win a match over thirty nine others, just because they feel their ‘legacy’ simply isn’t enough? More World titles than most people but it still isn’t enough. This need, no, this obsession for one more… that’s not a legacy enhanced, that’s greed. And there’s a lot of that around it seems.”

He rolls his eyes sarcastically

“But we shouldn’t be surprised by any of these statements, it was exactly the same in 2004, and it will happen again in 2020, and as you have heard 2019 hasn’t failed to deliver. But still there are those that enter EVERY year, and troll out the same old bullshit, destined to fall flat, expecting people to forget they said EXACTLY the same thing last year. That’s not the craziest thing though, the REALLY ridiculous thing being, these people KNOW I’m talking to THEM right now. It’s like a form of Tourette’s, they just can’t help themselves, and they fall into the same trap…




And for these people, there is a guarantee. In an industry in which they can rarely be given, a guarantee of the way this will all end. It will end with the majority of the field scrambling around for excuses on Monday morning, and only the few receiving the plaudits they’ve rightfully earned. This isn’t rocket science people, nothing’s changed. It’s the way it was sixteen years ago when CHBK took the Flame, and the way it will be in sixteen years more with the next generation after me. Be the hardest worker in any room, never give up, and with a little bit of luck you’ll get your rewards… it really is that simple.”

He looks away from the camera for a few moments, biting his bottom lip he composes himself for his closing thoughts. It had been difficult, to get his thoughts out there without seeming too emotional, but he believed he had achieved that, he’d only know once he watched it back. People would never know what he’d been through, or at least he hoped so. He didn’t want or need peoples pity, he just wanted to carry on.

“To every single one of you in this match and everyone with an interest in SCW, I make you this promise. I’m real… there’s none of the bullshit you hear from the majority. I don’t say one thing and do the exact opposite, and I don’t have other ‘interests’ that divide my time. I don’t have a doll coming out any time soon, and I don’t betray the ‘people’ every time I speak. What you see right now, being filmed by the love of his life is 100% Owen Cruze. The same guy my school friends called short arse, the same guy who yes, REALLY sucks at FIFA… who puts himself out there even with all my imperfections.

I ain’t perfect, I’m not an angel, or a devil, or the owner of the biggest ass in the world, but there is no hidden agenda with me. And when I compete, it’s to one day be the best in the world and continue to perform in the best stadiums in the most beautiful countries, solely for the best wrestling fans on this planet. And I’m like this for one reason. It’s the person I was brought up to be. The WRESTLER I was trained to be. And unlike some, I’ll never forget that.

Taking Hold of the Flame will be remembered as the night Owen Cruze came of age, the moment I stopped being a teenage kid who dreamed he could be, but was too afraid to make that dream a reality, afraid that it wasn’t yet my time. I’ve looked into the eyes of death. The things I’ve seen…”

He pauses

“There isn’t ANYTHING that can compare to those horrors, and I refuse to ever be that scared little boy again.”

Determination finally shows itself, and Jaina zooms in slightly to capture that emotion

“It’s about time I was the man I can be, the man EVERYONE tells me is inside…

…the kind of man I WANT to be, and the man my Father prayed I would become…”

He pauses, forcing himself to smile

…The man who stood tall against one of the greatest compilations of talent ever witnessed anywhere…”

He narrows his eyes, which are now full of intent, and after nodding his head he winks at the camera

“…and overcame them all to become the winner, of Taking Hold of the Flame 2019.”


Jaina stops the camera, and almost immediately Owen’s calm exterior cracks, and is replaced by those same frailties, as his mind is no longer distracted. Jaina scooches across the bed, and holds him close, Owen doing his best to not break down in front of her.

Jaina: It’s OK Owen… I’m here.

They stay that way for a few moments, until Owen lifts his head, looking her deep in the eyes.

Owen: I lied to them Jay… I told them that person was me. I told them I wasn’t afraid, but I am. I’m so scared.

Although Owen doesn’t see it, Jaina wipes away a tear. And although she doesn’t say it, Jaina was afraid too. Afraid that Owen would never again be the happy go lucky guy she fell in love with, and what that meant for their future together. In two days he would be expected to compete to the best of his abilities, but Jaina couldn’t see how he could possibly do that right now. She kisses him on the cheek, and with all that in mind feels she has no choice but to tell a lie of her own.

Jaina: It’s all going to be OK Owen… I know it is. You’ll see.

But it wasn’t going to be ok, far from it. In fact, by the end of the day it was going to be much, much worse.


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